The Key To Contentment

Returning back to Milan, Italy 35 years after I lived there was such an eye opening experience for me. It was amazing how I was immediately brought back to how it felt being there as an 18 year old and also brought into sharp focus how differently I see things now.

When I was 18, I had no idea who I was or where I was going. I felt this urgency to get somewhere and to be someone and with that came this sense of being in fast forward mode where I wasn’t able to really take everything in like I did this time.

35 years later, I am the same person, but this time I realized I am no longer looking to get anywhere and I have a much deeper understanding of exactly who I am.

And because of that, I was able to really PAUSE, be in real time and truly take in all the sites around me. 

Savoring the moment - not looking forward or back, for me is where real contentment lies.

Getting as much out of my day, by taking in the very day I am living - no matter where I am, is where I find the greatest sense of ease, peace and happiness.

It's wisdom that comes naturally with time and age, and it's something that can be practiced at any age with the help of yoga and meditation. Both modalities help me wake up my senses, get in my body, and cultivate awareness so I can be present to my life as it unfolds in real time. And it’s in real time when life actually happens.

I hope to see you there!


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
