The Art Of Giving 💝

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill

The holidays this year have been a tough one for me. A few of my loved ones have fallen ill or are dealing with some personal struggles and it is affecting me deeply right now. I tell you this not to elicit your sympathy but rather to let you know that if you too are struggling this holiday season, for whatever reason, that you are not alone. 

When I find myself in challenging times at any time of the year, I know the very first thing is I need to take extra good care of myself. If I don’t take care of myself then I have nothing to give to others, especially those that need my extra support right now.

First is my meditation and yoga practice. As the saying goes, ‘we practice on the good days so we can lean on our practice on the harder ones’. 

I make sure I move my body, no matter how long or how small. When it's an effort just to get on my mat, I practice all of my favorite poses to really steep myself in what feels good. 

I also do one thing that is easily accessible and super nourishing for myself. Typically I’ll take a 20 minute constructive rest, draw a hot bath or go for a walk outside.

These things reconnect me to my center, and I find that when I do them I actually have a lot more to give to those that are in need of my help. And I’ve learned over time that the opposite is true too. When I run on empty and operate on fumes, I end up run down, tapped out, usually sick and have nothing to give. 

This season is a time of giving and when we give to others whether it’s a physical gift or an act of service, we actually receive huge personal benefits. Studies show it not only lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and promotes longevity, but it makes us happier, feel more connected and fills us with gratitude. I know for myself that teaching a class makes me feel even better than when I take a class. I have a sense of purpose and meaning when I teach, I am energized by my connection with my students and I get to witness the shift that occurs for others from doing yoga which is incredibly gratifying.

“Giving does not only precede receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive.” - Israelmore Ayivor

So whether your holiday is a joyful one or a difficult one, I hope you’ll take extra good care of yourself, amidst giving to those around you. They truly go hand in hand.

To support you this holiday season, I’m giving you a free, well rounded 30 minute vinyasa flow. Feel free to use this flow practice and also gift it forward to anyone you think who could use a little extra care right now.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
