Moving from Unconscious to Conscious

The practice of yoga is the practice of moving from the unconscious to the conscious, and the ultimate goal of yoga is enlightenment which means to WAKE UP. So when we do the practice, we slowly lift the veil of illusions, distortions and fears and open our eyes to what really IS.

Waking up is not always easy or comfortable, especially when we take a good honest look at ourselves, but it is the critical path to true growth and transformation. It takes practice, intentional work and commitment. And yoga teaches us to tune in and listen to our internal authentic voice as well as listen to others with a sense of openness, curiosity and compassion.

Science has proven that yoga has the capacity to create new neural pathways in the brain giving us the capacity to actually shift old patterns of thinking and create new ones. And if we have the power to alter the internal landscape of our minds then we definitely have the capacity to change our behavior and old ways of doing things to reimagine, reframe and create the world we want to live in.

My hope and my prayer is for all of us to open our eyes, stretch out our arms and join hands to make true and lasting change in our world.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
