Mindful Parenting

This week I am celebrating my youngest son's high school graduation. How did my baby boy grow up and get so big? The days were long but wow did the years fly by fast. As a new mom, I remember talking to several empty nesters and asking them for parenting advice. If you could do it again, what would you do differently? Everyone said how fast it all goes and to make sure to be present for all the little moments because it's the little moments that make up the big memories.

I took that advice to heart and found my mindfulness practice to be the perfect approach to parenting. Just as I practice over and over again to stay present during my yoga and meditation practice, I did the same with my kids. When I was with them, I practiced really being with them. I'd constantly check in with myself. Am I here right now or is my mind wandering? Am I truly present or is my mind consumed by all the things on my to do list?

By making it a mindfulness practice I was able to really soak in the little moments and find a real sense of joy being with my kids. At the end of the day, all our kids or anyone for that matter needs is our presence. Presence is the best present we can give others and it is a true gift we give ourselves as well. And the practice gives us the tools to not only learn how to be present but also learn to surrender and let go, even as I'm learning, when we really don't want to.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
