Give Yourself A Break

This week I'll be starting my annual August break. A break that I started when my kids were young and I wanted to have some quality time with them before they went back to school. A break that I carved out when I realized most of my clients were traveling during this time, so I could get away with it. A break that I now realize is essential to my soul as I fill up my own piggy bank of well being and self care.

I used to think taking time off was not not ok. I was taught to have a strong work ethic and one where taking time off was a sign of weakness - of not being able to do it all. I thought I would let my clients down by not being available to them whenever they needed me. But I've come to realize that mindset only sets me up for exhaustion, resentment and depletion. And how can I be an advocate of self care for my students if I am not walking the talk myself?

So now I take time off guilt free and I hope you will do the same for yourself. We may not all be able to take an extended break, but what we know is finding ways to carve out time from our professional lives actually benefits our long term productivity, creativity and overall mental health.

Each of us has to learn what our threshold is and dial back or step down or opt out (thank you Simone Biles for being such a shining example) before we get to a breaking point that wreaks havoc on us. That means saying no, drawing boundaries and possibly disappointing others. But when we respect ourselves enough to take care of ourselves, others in turn will respect us for doing so. Seeing the entire gymnastics team and people across the globe honor and support Simone, was an incredible example for us all.

Be safe, have fun and take good care of yourself and each other.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
