You Don’t Need To Carry It All

I hope you had a good week and are staying safe and healthy. While the theme of each class I teach is a little different from week to week, almost always start the class with a reading or an inquiry. This was not intentional but how my classes have just unfolded organically this past year as there has been much to navigate and process and these readings have helped prompt a deeper dive beyond the physical for my students as well as myself. So often the response I receive from these readings is, 'Wow that card really spoke to me' or 'It's just what I needed to hear today.' This last week, one of the cards I read really resonated with me, so I wanted to share it with all of you as I believe it's a good message to hear at any time:


Boundaries. Let it go. It's not yours to carry. 

You don't need to carry it all. You're no good to anyone if you're running on empty and bogged down by the weight of the world. This card is a reminder to look after your own oxygen mask first. In these changing times, it's hard to not feel overwhelmed by the state of the planet, however you can't take on its problems from a place of depletion.

So instead of digesting the news or reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up, show up first to a nourishing practice such as meditation, soul inquiry, deep breathing or exercising in nature. Once you're in a state of grace and your inner well is full, you can face the day, the state of the world and care for others.

INQUIRY: What are you carrying that isn't yours to carry?


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
