Tending to an aching heart ❤️‍🩹

I write to you with such a heavy heart. I’ve been thinking a lot lately and particularly this week about all the discourse, the craziness and inhumanity going on in the world. I feel sad, I feel mad, I feel scared and to be honest I feel a little more than despondent. I have the urge to hide under the covers, and I also have an urge to act. I want to disconnect, numb it all out and yet I also feel the need to connect more deeply. 

When we consider all the constant stressors of senseless gun violence, rampant racism, war, and basic human rights and safety stripped away, it makes total sense. How can we even begin to process all that is happening in the world and still get up in the morning, let alone feel okay? 

Feeling as though we don’t have personal agency over ourselves or the world around us easily leads us to a “this is happening to me” syndrome - a victim consciousness, when we believe we are at the effect of life and that life is something that is happening to us. This mindset is a surefire way to send our nervous systems into a tailspin and deplete our energy at a faster rate than which we can replenish it. This is the very thing that leads to burnout, anxiety and depression.

So how do we shift things? How do we stay mentally afloat amidst the never ending current of crises after crises? We must move from a victim mindset to that of a creator. Being a conscious creator means standing in our own personal truth and integrity. It means acting from a place of love and passion (instead of fear). It means being of service to others in any way possible, big or small. It also means taking extra care of ourselves. 

This means rest, this means creating space and time for ourselves away from the demands of the world and it also means finding a bit of joy to deepen our energy reserve so we can use it for the greater good of not just ourselves but the world at large. 

Here are some potent ways I take extra care of myself that will hopefully help you too:

  • PAUSE - sit, breathe, unplug from media

  • REST - take a nap, get in bed early, sleep in late

  • NATURE - get outside, dig your hands in the dirt, walk barefoot in the grass

  • MOVE - go for a walk, get on your mat, break a sweat

  • PLAY - take time to play, have fun and lean into joy

  • ACTION - get involved, give time or donate resources to matters close to your heart

  • CONNECTION - spend time with loved ones, talk to neighbors, smile at strangers

PLAY is new for me: I just started creating space for it these last 6 months and it has been incredibly powerful for my personal mental wellbeing:

I am back in Chicago, and while my time in California was magical, there really is no place quite like home. As I return, I am happy to offer so many different ways to practice with me and opportunities for you to refuel your systems and tend to your soul. 

In light of creating more PLAY, NATURE + CONNECTION, I’m bringing back Outdoor Yoga on Thursdays and introducing Sacred Sundays with Amy, an interactive experience of meditation, movement (yoga), breathwork and group connection.

I hope to see you soon!


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
