Better Together

I love spending time alone but I also love being with my friends. And while I typically practice yoga and meditation alone I actually prefer doing it with others. Somehow it just feels easier. And more fun.

When we practice together we create a collective energy of mindfulness that is very powerful. Without saying a word we profit from each other's quality of being and become this collective organism of energy, presence and insight. Each of us is always contributing to the quality of the whole no matter what we are doing but in a yoga studio it feels particularly potent.

It reminds me of a flock of birds flying in formation. Each bird has its position and each bird makes a contribution to the whole and by doing this it makes their effort easier. They benefit from the collective energy and don't have to work so hard. When I sit or move next to another person I feed off their energy and find I can sit or move more easily

Often when I am having a difficult day, being on my mat next to others makes me feel better. We take care of ourselves by showing up for the practice and in turn we also take care of one another without even necessarily realizing it.

It's an equal energy collective where everyone gives and everyone receives simultaneously.

After all, it's always better together.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
