Appreciate The Little Things

I didn't shower on Christmas and never got out of my sweats. I spent the majority of the day doing a paint by numbers kit with my daughter on the table that I usually spend hours decorating. I got the news that my oldest wasn't feeling well and therefore couldn't take the risk to come over, and my youngest had just finished quarantining after contracting Covid, so we opened gifts wearing masks.

It was strange and surreal, but it was also ok and actually quite nice. After a long year of disappointments I realized I've become pretty darn good at appreciating the little things. 'My son is recovering and doing well. My dad is safe and healthy. I get to spend quality time with my daughter.' It's like a mantra that I repeat to myself until it shifts my perspective and I move out of a negative headspace. And the thing is, it really works

One mantra that I use a lot and shared in my meditation group last week is a potent one from Thich Nhat Hanh:

When I breathe in, I feel a sense of calm.

When I breathe out, I smile to all that is.

I loved breathing and meditating with so many of you this last week, so I will be offering more opportunities for free meditation in January (stay tuned for details).. This coming week I will be teaching my Monday and Wednesday classes and also a New Year's Day class on January 1st.

I look forward to seeing so many of you this week and hope you all have a safe and healthy New year's.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.
